Recently I became stuck while working on a painting. I was just not finding my way with it and so I paused for a tea break to regroup my thoughts.
Just having this pause made me realise how much I was getting caught up in what felt like a painting production line. I am currently getting a body of work together so there is a lot going on in the studio at the moment but when I stepped away from my painting I realised that a particular piece bore no resemblance to my usual work.
I know I’ve been in this position many times and I know eventually it would be resolved but when I stepped away I realised that I was solely creating from an analytical mind. Knowing what makes a decent painting and knowing how to achieve all the elements that I love to have in my work can sometimes result in a robotic approach. I realised the creations that I deeply resonate with and most proud of are the ones where I’ve allowed discoveries to unfold in their natural way, where curiosity led me through the painting process.
There was a need for less Efforting and more of Self.
Tips to get back into flow

1. Take time out
Step away from your painting and engage in another activity. It helps your mind detach from your work and allows energy to flow and create space for a new awareness.
In this instance me having a cuppa and stepping away from the painting made me aware that my approach was too focussed on outcome resulting in work that was not nurtured to evolve from my soul. I had lost my sense of self.
It can also be a good time to:
- write in a journal as sometimes you may have reoccurring thoughts that are unknowingly creating a blockage and preventing a natural flow to occur during your painting time. Just being able to write them down seem to off load them.
- If you practice meditation. Now is a good time to ground and let yourself settle down again.
Become aware of your thoughts and any blockages that you may have that is preventing you from going forward. Often it’s just a mindset shift that’s required.
2. Revisit your sketchbook
Have a look through your sketchbook and notice the pages that ‘felt more you’. Allow yourself to become excited by these pages. The purpose is not to emulate what is on your sketchbook page but to tune into the essence of how it made you feel and allow yourself to reconnect to your own work. The work that only you can make.

You may even feel the need to explore in your sketchbook.
Sometimes all I need to get back into an art flow is to work in my sketchbook. Stepping away from the formal painting to explore ideas in your sketchbook is a great way to get back into an art flow. There is no need to resolve anything and having this shift in thinking brings new energy and helps loosen up. Between the page and the brush is a path of discovery where you can reacquaint yourself to the materials you are drawn to and the marks that you make to express your unique expression. Ultimately it brings more of yourself into your art practice.
Hope you enjoyed reading these Tips to get back into flow. You can click on to read more blog posts or you can sign up to my newsletter below to get the inside scoop on new work and hear more about my creative process.